The Department of Dravyaguna Vignana, Agada Tantra Evam Vyavahara Ayurveda and Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana together organized World Environment Day on 5th June 2021.

On this occasion A short video on Medicinal Plants of SAMC & H, A digital Photo frame as a pledge to care for Mother Earth were launched launched by our beloved Director Dr.B.R.Ramakrishna. Also, few competitions like Selfie with Medicinal Plants, Short video making competition on cultivation & Conservation of medicinal Plants, Kitchen garden, Gardening techniques etc were also announced to the students of all the batches of SAMC & H including interns.   

The programme schedule included

Invocation: Dr.Nischal, Assistant Professor, Dept of Dravyaguna Vignana

Welcome Address: Dr.Swathi Sharma, Assistant Professor, Dept of Agada Tantra Evam Vyavahara Ayurvda

Importance of Environment Day: Dr.Sapna, Professor, Dept of Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana

Introduction to Events: Dr.Akshata, Assistant Professor, Dept of Dravyaguna Vignana

Launch of video (Medicinal Plants of SAMC & H, Prashanti Kuteeram): Dr. B.R.Ramakrishna, Director, SAMC & H

Address by: Dr.Sanghamitra Patnaik , Principal, SAMC & H: Madam has explained importance of protecting our Environment – Earth, Air, Water for the wellbeing of Man kind. Importance of Dravya among Chikitsa Chatushpada, Ahara among Traya Upastambha which are sourced from our environment. Also highlighted the UNEP Theme of Environment Day2021.  

Address by: Dr.Alok Roy, Vice Principa, SAMC & H: Explained the Importance of Prakruti in Srushti. Prakruti can support the need of the Purusha not the greed of the Purusha for the sustenance of the Srushti. 

Address by: Dr.Kishor Kumar Hullatti, Academic Co – Ordinator, SAMC & H, highlighted about protecting the Lakes etc in and around us. Importance of adopting organic food etc in our lifestyle for the protection of Earth (soil) as well to prevent lifestyle diseases.

Address by: Dr.Vasudeva Vaidya, Deputy Medical Superintendent, SAMC & H, Explained the importance of Bio Fuel for the protection of the environment. Also explained the cause for the present scenario of the celebrating Environment day by staying inside home and how can we contribute to the environment by adopting atleast one plant by an individual and nurturing it. Inculcating the habit of using public vehicle atleast once a week avoiding personal vehicles.  Importance of Organic food, No plastic policy etc.

Presidential Address By: Dr.B.R.Ramakrishna, Director, SAMC & H, Explained the importance of the Environment as humans are part of this Environment. Responsibility of Protecting the Pruthvi,  Jala, Vayu, Agni, Akasha is on us. Motivated all of us to Protect our Environment by making it plastic free by pledging not to use plastic bags, bottles etc atleast in our campus and homes etc. Explained the theme of the World Environment day 2021 i.e., REIMAGINE, RECREATE, RESTORE for the better future of our next generation.   

Vote of Thanks: By Dr. B. Ravikiran, Professor & HOD Dept of Dravyaguna Vignana

Master of Ceremony: Dr.Nischal P, Assistant Professor, Dept of Dravyaguna Vignana, SAMC & H

Platform : Google Meet

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