Chairman’s Message

Dr. Raghurama Bhatta, Principal


Ayurveda, which literally means “The science of life”, is the natural healing system of India. Ayurveda originated as a part of ‘Vedic science’ before 4000 B.C. The dual aim of Ayurveda is “Maintaining the Health of the Healthy and Curing the Ailment of the Ailing”. Ayurveda gives more importance to the maintenance of the health rather than cure of the ailments.

Modern medicine has failed miserably in developing robust preventive medicine. Bulk of the investment is spent for the diagnosis of the risk and management of risk and interventions. In view of the fact that lifestyle changes, diet and exercise alone could reduce metabolic disease burden, lifestyle practices of Ayurveda and Yoga become very important and they should be a part of our daily life. These life style practices should be introduced in schools as a part of curriculum. Prevention strategies should be employed at the earliest stages of human development, so that these practice become a way of life.

Unlike the modern medicine which is disease centric and concentrates in treating the symptoms, Ayurveda is health centric which concentrates not only to treat the disease but also to regulate reform or remove the root cause for the disease. This is possible only when the dietary and lifestyle modification are done according to the recommendations of Ayurvedic classical texts and thereby bringing the deranged Thridoshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) into their homeostatic state. This unique holistic approach which is very much inherent with the nature is the key for the success of Ayurvedic treatments.

Currently, there are about 350 Ayurvedic colleges imparting Ayurvedic Education based on the curriculum formed by the Central Council of Indian Medicine. This curriculum has more inclination towards developing a thought process based on Modern Medical Science. Hence, current Ayurveda education needs to be reinforced with Shastra base while keeping pace with the developments in modern science and technology and ensuring a strong link between research and teaching. We need to develop a pure Ayurvedic principle based thought process, diagnosis and treatment.

We in Sushrutha Ayurvedic Medical College, impart this Shastra based education with all the cucurrent modern knowledge. So, that a student who comes out of this institution is equipped with the pure knowledge and skill of Ayurveda and will be an efficient physician who can diagnose a disease precisely and plan the treatment protocols based on Ayurvedic principles and there by accomplish the two aims of Ayurveda viz., “Maintaining the Health of the Healthy and Curing the Ailment of the Ailing”.

Let us imbibe ourselves with the most ancient health care principles and techniques of Ayurveda while enriching ourselves with the concurrent modern scientific knowledge, diagnostic skills and research practices and reach Ayurveda to its epitome of success, bring back its lost glory and make it as not only primary healthcare system of our country but the whole world.
Let us learn Ayurveda as ancient as ever and brand Ayurveda as modern as never

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Sushrutha Ayurvedic Medical College And Hospital

Prashanti Kuteera, Jodi Bingipura,

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