International Yoga Day-2021

Events Conducted from our college: 

Yoga masa celebration. 

Competitions held on the eve of Yoga Day- video and best picture competition. Formal Function. 

Our faculty as Guest Speaker. 

Details of the events: 

  1. Yoga Masa Celebration: 

THE INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY 2021 with the theme of “YOGA FOR  WELLNESS” that focuses on practicing yoga for physical & mental wellbeing. 

Owing to the theme of International yoga day-2021 and considering the valuable guidance  of our respected director Dr.B.R.Ramakrishna, the Principal Dr.Sanghamitra Patnaik. 

We the faculties from the department of Swasthavritta, and NSS unit SAMC&H along with  our respected Deputy Medical Superintendent Dr.Vasudeva Vaidya and Reader Mr.Sanjeeva hegde, conducted a YOGA MASA-2021 for the staffs, internees & the  students of SAMC & H from 1st June 2021 to 21st June 2021 at 12pm to 1pm every day in  regard to practice yoga at home and make their family members to practice well to maintain  physical and mental wellbeing in this global pandemic crisis by online and termed it as  “YOGA WITH FAMILY” respectively. 

We followed the common yoga protocol as per the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India  guidelines starts with 

1) Invocation/ with a prayer to enhance the benefits of practice. 

2) Chalana kriya’s/ loosening practices: to increase micro circulation before the practice. 3) Yogasanas: A) Standing posture: 1) Tadasana (Palm tree posture)  

 2) Vrikshasana (The tree posture)  

 3) pada- hastasana (the hands to the feet posture)  

 4) Ardha- chakrasana (The half wheel posture) 

 5) Trikonasana (The triangle posture) 

  1. B) Sitting posture: 1) Bhadrasana (the firm/ auspicious posture) 

 2) Vajrasana (Thunderbolt posture)  

 3) Ardha-ustrasana (the half camel posture)  

 4) Ustrasana (Camel posture)  

 5) Shashankasana (the hare posture)  

 6) Uttana mandukasana (Streched up- frog posture)  

 7) Vakrasana (the spinal twist posture)

  1. C) Prone posture: 1) Makarasana (the crocodile posture) 

 2) Bhujangasana (the cobra posture) 

 3) Shalabasana (the locust posture) 

  1. D) Supine posture: 1) Setubandasana (the bridge posture) 

 2) Uttana padasana (Raised feet posture) 

 3) Ardha- halasana (Half plough posture) 

 4) Pavana muktasana (the wind releasing posture) 

 5) Shavasana (the corpse/ dead body posture) 

  1. E) Kapalabhati 
  2. F) Pranayama: 1) Nadi-shodana or anuloma- viloma pranayama 

 2) Sitali pranayama 

3) Bhramari pranayama 

  1. G) Dhyana 
  2. E) End of the practice session with a SANKALPA 
  3. G) Shanti patha  

Keeping with the objective, the union of “individual consiousness” with that of “universal  consciousness” for a perfect harmony between mind and body, man & nature, the holistic  approach to health & well- being. 

  1. Competitions held on the eve of Yoga Day 

Online Photo competition: 

All our college students were asked to perform yogasana with their family members and to  capture a photo and fit in the templet which was prepared for this particular event. 

There was a overwhelming response from all our students around 200 photos were received.  Those photos were assessed with already fixed parameters. Finally judges found difficulty in  finding out the best three photos still we could come up with the valuable judgement. 


1st Prize: Mr.Dheeraj 

2nd Prize: Kum.Meghala.C. 

3rd Prize: Kum.Chaitra  

Best Video Competition:  

All the photos were collected, and video was prepared from each class and all the videos  were assessed for their presentation. 

Best Video- 3rd year Students

With these two competitions we could create a small thought about the yoga and its  importance to students as well as their family members. 

  1. Online formal function: 

Organized by: Dept.of Swastavritta, Student Council and National Service Scheme  

Programme Schedule: Date: 21/06/2021  07:00AM-08:00AM- Regular Yoga Practice – year wise. 

Prayer: Kum.Samana, 3rd year Student 

Welcome: Dr.Swathi Somayaji, N.S.S.-Co-ordinator 

Video Presentation of Ashtanga Yoga- Members of Student Council 

Report by Dept.of Swastavritta: Dr.Sandeep.S, Reader 

Address by Principal: Dr.Sanghamitra Patnaik, Principal 

Report by N.S.S.Programme Officer: Dr.Sreenidhi.G.S. Reader  

Prize Announcement and Presidential address: Dr.B.R.Ramakrishna.  

Vice Chancellor, S-Vyasa, Director, SAMCH. 

Vote of Thanks: Dr.Manu, Asst.Professor, Dept.of Swastavritta 

Master of Ceremony: Dr.Akshata. N.S.S.-Co-ordinator 

Platform-Google meet and FB live. 

  1. Our Faculty as Guest Speaker at Different organizations: 


Vice-Chancellor, S-VYASA, Director, Sushrutha Ayurvedic Medical College,


Open Text Organisation 

Topic: perspective on Yoga as an intervention in Covid-19.


Dell Technologies 

Topic: Mindfulness and building immunity.


Webinar organised by Yoga Vigyana Vibhag 

Soban simha Jeena Vishwavidyalay,Almara,Uttarakhand.


SVYASA University 

Topic: Lifestyle modification for prevention of Covid-19 (SVYASA Online  Short-term Yoga Course for Immunity boosting for Serbia students.


13/06/2021 Dietary Management of Covid fever organised by Centre for Soft Power.



International webinar on Yoga organised by GNCYMC & H


17/06/2021 Talk on International Day of Yoga Samanvaya Milana (RSS) Topic: Yoga a way of life



Topic: Yoga and Ayurveda a holistic pathway to health & well being  Organised by Yoga city Oman under the patronage of Indian Embassy,  Muscat


GAMC & H, Mysore, Dept. of PG studies in Swasthavritta Yoga Raksha 21 Topic: Yoga in management of diseases.


Yoga for unity and wellbeing valedictory celebration organised by Ministry  Of Ayush, Govt of India.


Yoga protocol practice (Online) 

Organised by TBS Trust, Basavapattana.


SVYASA & IIT Tirupati 

Online seminar followed by common yoga protocol. 

Topic: Interventions of Ayurvedic System for Covid-19 Pandemic


Introduction to IDY & practise of Common Yoga protocol to the members of  TBS Trust, Bangalore


Yoga for immunity & Covid 19 management SAMC & H, Bangalore 


Vishwa Ayurveda Parishad  

International webinar on world Yoga Day- Chairperson


Dr.Vasudeva Vaidya. 

Deputy Medical Superintendent, Sushrutha Ayurvedic Medical College, Date:21/06/2021 at 7 AM 

Yoga demonstrator at Chartered Madhura Apartment, Bengaluru. 

Date: 21/06/2021 at 8AM. 

At Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Shivamogga. 


Asst. Professor, Dept. of Basic Principles 

On the occasion of International Yoga Day online practice of common yoga protocol  was conducted on 21st June 2021 at IST 05:30PM to the participants of USA YIC batch which  was started on Feb 14th 2021 by SVYASA University in association with VYASA Dallas. A  total of 16 participants had joined the practice through Google meet platform. After the practice  importance and benefits of practice of yoga on present Covid crises and effective asanas for  post Covid patients was discussed. The program was concluded by Om meditation and shanty  mantra.

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14. Grievance Form

Sushrutha Ayurvedic Medical College And Hospital

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