Publication Details

Publications of SAMC & H in academic year 2024:

  1. Ramakrishna B R, Sunitha M P, Glossary of plant based drugs in Nighantus, International journal of phytomedicines and related industries, Vol.16(3), September 2024, 436 – 441, doi: 10.5958/0975-6892.2024.00046.X
  2. Pant, Champa; Gagana, S. Ahiputana (~diaper rash) in a child with surgically  corrected Hirschsprung’s disease – Ayurvedic approaches of management. Journal of Ayurveda Case Reports 7(4):p 197-203, Oct–Dec 2024. | DOI: 10.4103/jacr.jacr_149_23
  3. Sourabh DS, Pant C, Pandey A. Effect of Sarala niryasa malahara (pine resin ointment), a folklore remedy for Padadari (cracked feet) in adolescents: A double‑blind, within‑individual, randomized, vehicle‑controlled, pilot study. Indian J Ayurveda Integr Med 2024; 5(2):Jul-Dec 2024
  4. Sourabh, D S; Pant, Champa. Effect of Dhupana (medicated fumigation) on the microbial concentration in the indoor air in Kumaragara (pediatric OPD and IPD): an experimental study, Journal of Indian System of Medicine 12(2):p 90-98, April-June 2024, DOI: 10.4103/jism.jism_27_24
  5. Gurusiddamma, Sunitha M P, Concept of Nutraceuticals in Ayurveda – A Review, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and development, Vol-8, Issue -5 (Sep – Oct 2024)
  6. Divya B, Champa Pant, Sindhu N Reddy. Prevalence of malnutrition in school-going children with special reference to Sthaulya and Karshya: A cross-sectional survey study.J of Ayurveda and Hol Med (JAHM). 2024;12(5):16-29
  7. Akshatha Somayaji K  et al, An Experimental Study to Evaluate the Galactagogue Activity of Bidali (Dioscorea pentaphylla Linn.) with special reference to Stanya Janana. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Science, Vol.9,No-1 (Jan-2024)
  8. Prabhavati C Kichadi et al. Preformulation study of Talisadi suspension- An herbal formulation. Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res. 2024 Sep;84(9):78-82. DOI 10.47583/ijpsrr.2024.v84i09.013 

Accepted for Publication

Ananyalakshmi E et al, Role of Ayurveda in the management of Sarcoidosis: A Case Study” Indian Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine KLEU

Publications SAMC & H in academic year 2023:
  1. Bijadushti Janya Asthi Dhatu Kshaya with Special Reference to Progressive Pseudo Rheumatoid Arthropathy (Dysplasia) of Childhood – A Case Report. RJAS. 2023;10(1):52-58. doi: 10.26463/rjas.10_1_1.
  2. The effect of Satvavajaya chikitsa w s r to Carnatic Classical Music on cognitive functions and awareness in Adolescents. Int J Ayurveda Res. Jul-Sep 2023;4(3):171-176.
  3. Has prevalence of myopia in school going children changed after onset of Corona Pandemic? – An exploratory survey Study. RJAS. 2023;10(2):37-41.
  4. Impact of Daivavayapashraya Chikitsa w s r to Mantra Chanting on Smrithi (Memory) in healthy Children: A nonpharmacological interventional study. J Indian Syst Med. 2023;11(3):156-162. doi: 10.4103/jism.jism_37_23.
  5. Divya B, Champa Pant, Sindhu NReddy. Prevalence of malnutrition in school-going children with special reference to Sthaulya and Karshya: A cross-sectional survey study. J Ayurveda Hol Med (JAHM). 2024;12(5):16-29.
  6. Management of Radiation induced ulcers in chest wall post-surgery through integrated Ayurveda: A case report. JAIM. 2023.
  7. Contemporary Relevance of Gara Visha Adhisthan (An Ancient method of poisoning) with present day contact dermatitis. Indian J Drugs Dermatol. 2023.
  8. Santhosh K, Harish G, Aparna K. Influence of Ocular Therapies on Spherical and Cylindrical Power of the Eye: A Case Report. RGUHS J AYUSG Sci. Dec 2022;9(2):0-0.

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